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Becoming a member

Baptism & Membership


One becomes a member of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church through baptism. If you are interested in baptism, please contact the rector or church office.  


One becomes an official member of The Episcopal Church through confirmation or reception (the later of which is for those who have previously been confirmed by a bishop in apostolic succession).  


Note that confirmation is not required to receive communion or to become a member of Grace Church.


In order to become a member of Grace Church in Newark one must be baptized, but not necessarily confirmed.  If you are baptized and are interested in becoming a member:

  1. Notify the rector or church office to be added to the church roster and mailing list.  If you are transferring from another Episcopal Church, you should request an official Letter of Transfer from your previous parish.

  2. Pledge what you are able for the mission, ministry, and upkeep of the properties of Grace Church.

  3. Become involved by attending Mass regularly and discussing with the rector how you may become involved in a ministry or program and become integrated into the fellowship of  Grace Church.


If someone is not baptized or wishes not to become an official member, he or she may be considered a "friend of the parish" by notifying the rector or the church office.


Grace Church in Newark uses Icon CMO for its parish database and stewardship records.

Service Times

Sunday Services

8:00 am - Said Mass in person only

A simple spoken service celebrated at a side altar

10:30 am - High Mass in person & on Facebook 

An elaborate sung service with choir, organ, acolytes, and incense 


 Weekday Services - Tuesday through Friday

9:00 am - Morning Prayer in person only

12:10 pm - Midday Mass in person only

Anointing for Healing offered Thursdays

5 pm - Evening Prayer in person only

Grace Church in Newark

950 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 623-1733 /

Background images:

© Brian Kutner

Homepage image:

© Peter Kolonia

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