Grace Church is a community in which young people of all backgrounds are essential to the life of the parish. The 20s/30s group is an organized fellowship community for people in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s, who come from all backgrounds, occupations, and walks of life.
The group meets for a potluck dinner on the penultimate Sunday of every month. One member of the group hosts the gathering at their home and provides a main course(s), while other members of the group bring along extras. Dinner can be as simple or elaborate as the host prefers. Attending a 20s/30s dinner is an excellent way to get to know people around the parish! Whether you've been attending Grace Church for years, are brand new to the parish, or have never attended, please feel free to join us! Friends, roommates, neighbors, and colleagues are always welcome!
To learn more or join the 20s/30s email list, please email office@gracechurchinnewark.org