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The Altar Guild

While the clergy and acolytes are the most visible leaders of the life of worship at Grace Church, none of the worship at Grace could take place without the dedicated behind the scenes work of the Altar Guild. A small army of volunteers is charged with the preparation for and cleaning up after mass, the laundering folding and ironing of linens, switching out altar frontals & clerical vestments, arranging flowers, polishing plate, lighting candles, setting books, and a variety of other tasks far too numerous to list here.

Grace Church is the grateful inheritor of a treasure trove of liturgical art from past generations. We believe that in worship we offer the best of what we have to God, and so are proud to use these works of art to aid and enrich our offer of prayer to God. The Altar Guild is charged with the maintenance and stewardship of our collection to ensure it's longevity not just for our own use, but for all who will come to worship God at Grace Church in the centuries to come. 


The current head of the Altar Guild is Ms. Sandra Durrell. To get involved, stop by the sacristy after mass, or chat with a staff member about being put in contact with the Altar Guild!

Service Times

Sunday Services

8:00 am - Said Mass in person only

A simple spoken service celebrated at a side altar

10:30 am - High Mass in person & on Facebook 

An elaborate sung service with choir, organ, acolytes, and incense 


 Weekday Services - Tuesday through Friday

9:00 am - Morning Prayer in person only

12:10 pm - Midday Mass in person only

Anointing for Healing offered Thursdays

5 pm - Evening Prayer in person only

Grace Church in Newark

950 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 623-1733 /

Background images:

© Brian Kutner

Homepage image:

© Peter Kolonia

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