The Organ
The Organ of Grace Church

The organ at Grace Church in Newark made by Casavant Freres of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, is a high quality, versatile instrument based on the French symphonic tradition. The organ case, including its hand-carved pipe shades, is made entirely of quarter-sawn oak from New York State.
The organ has 49 ranks, with three manual divisions and a pedal division. It has 45 speaking stops and a total of 2,703 pipes. The 16-foot Contrebasse and the twelve lowest notes of the 32-foot Bourdon were retained from the Austin organ previously installed in the gallery. Most of the organ’s action is a mechanical action, though some of the larger pipes on the manuals and pedal divisions are controlled by electro-pneumatic action. The stop action is electric and the combination action/memory system uses a solid-state capture system.
The white manual keys are covered with bone whilst the black keys are made of ebony wood. The pedal white notes are made of maple, with black notes of rosewood. The draw-stops are by wooden with engraved bone faces.
Grace has a long musical history, with the preceding organ installed in 1931 by the Austin Organ Company of Hartford, Connecticut, (rebuilt in 1949). It included both chancel and gallery organs for a total of 84 ranks. The chancel organ is still extant in its case and playable but not presently in usable condition. The gallery organ has been removed, except for the pipes incorporated into the Casavant organ as mentioned. Much of it is in storage in the basement of the church. Specifications of the organ may be found on the Organ Historical Society Database.
The first organ in Grace Church's Broad Street building was a 3 manual, 22 rank organ built by Hall & Labagh (New York City, NY) and was installed in 1848 on a balcony in the North Transept. It was apparently unreliable, needing major repair every 10 years or so, being rebuilt four times in its lifetime. The final time it was rebuilt, in 1928, it was also enlarged and moved to a gallery in the rear of the church. A choir organ was installed in the chancel at the same time though no information exists about this part of the organ. Church leadership found that this arrangement was still unsatisfactory, and three organ builders were asked to propose improvements in 1930. Each one agreed that both organs were worthless and stood to gain little from further alteration. In 1930, the Austin Organ Co. was engaged to build a completely new instrument which would replace both organs.
The Organ's Specification
Grand Choeur (Manual I)
Bourdon 8'
Trompette royale 16'
Trompette royale 8'
Trompette royale 4'
Grand Orgue (Manual II)
Montre 16'
Montre 8'
Bourdon 8'
Flute harmonique 8'
Prestant 4'
Flute 4'
Doublette 2'
Cornet III
Grande fourniture II-III
Fourniture IV-V
Doucaine 16'
Trompette 8'
Recit. (Manual III)
Flute majeure 8'
Viole de gambe 8'
Voix celeste (GG) 8'
Principal 4'
Flute a fuseau 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Quarte de nazard 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Plein jeu V
Basson 16'
Trompette 8'
Hautbois 8'
Voix humaine 8'
Bourdon 32'
Contrebasse 16'
Montre 16'
Soubasse 16'
Octavebasse 8'
Bourdon 8'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Octave 4'
Mixture IV
Contre bombarde 32'
Bombarde 16'
Basson 16'
Trompette 8'
Trompette royale 8'
Clarion 4'
Grand Orgue to Pedale 8'
Recit to Pedale 8'
Recit to Grand Orgue 16'
Recit to Grand Orgue 8'
Recit to Grand Orgue 4'
Grand Orgue to Grand Choeur 8'
Recit to Grand Choeur 16'
Recit to Grand Choeur 8'
Recit to Grand Choeur 8'
Recit to Grand Choeur 4'