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The Te Deum window

The historic Te Deum Window at Grace Church in Newark.


The Te Deum window is a historic part of our National Landmark Building of which we are stewards. The Te Deum window was designed by Valentine d’Ogries, an Austrian born artist, who completed his studies at Carnegie Technical School of Fine Arts in Pittsburgh, and set up his studio in New Hope, Pennsylvania. His other windows have been installed in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC, Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, NJ, and Columbia University, among other prestigious locations.


The window was installed in 1930 in honor of Mayor Thomas L. Raymond, Jr. of Newark, after which Raymond Boulevard was named, who was Mayor of Newark in the 1920s and a member of Grace Church. The theme of the window, the nonscriptural Canticle Te Deum includes Trinitarian symbols, adoring angels, and several figures from church history, including Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich, and Edward Bouverie Pusey, a leader of the movement to restore Catholic beliefs and practices in the Episcopal Church.




Service Times

Sunday Services

8:00 am - Said Mass in person only

A simple spoken service celebrated at a side altar

10:30 am - High Mass in person & on Facebook 

An elaborate sung service with choir, organ, acolytes, and incense 


 Weekday Services - Tuesday through Friday

9:00 am - Morning Prayer in person only

12:10 pm - Midday Mass in person only

Anointing for Healing offered Thursdays

5 pm - Evening Prayer in person only

Grace Church in Newark

950 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 623-1733 /

Background images:

© Brian Kutner

Homepage image:

© Peter Kolonia

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