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the Ministry Fellowship


The Ministry Fellowship at Grace Church is an opportunity for a young adult, likely only recently out of college, to spend one to two years living, praying, discerning, and serving with a dynamic and diverse parish community in downtown Newark NJ.


The Ministry Fellow lives on-site with other staff members at Grace Church in the old monastic quarters above the Parish House. The Fellowship involves leading worship, coordinating the outreach ministries of Grace Church, participating in all aspects of parish administration, and living a shared life with the staff and wider parish community. The Fellow receives assistance discerning their vocation from the Rector of Grace Church.

Service Times

Sunday Services

8:00 am - Said Mass in person only

A simple spoken service celebrated at a side altar

10:30 am - High Mass in person & on Facebook 

An elaborate sung service with choir, organ, acolytes, and incense 


 Weekday Services - Tuesday through Friday

9:00 am - Morning Prayer in person only

12:10 pm - Midday Mass in person only

Anointing for Healing offered Thursdays

5 pm - Evening Prayer in person only

Grace Church in Newark

950 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 623-1733 /

Background images:

© Brian Kutner

Homepage image:

© Peter Kolonia

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